Academic Intervention Support Plan

Tri-Valley Central School has a student population of approximately 1,100 students. The District works to ensure that all students are afforded appropriate and targeted academic assistance and intervention (AIS) services based on root cause analysis of their performance on multiple measures, so that they may be successful in meeting the New York State Learning Standards thus acquiring the skills to be successful pursuing post high school plans.

Academic Intervention Services (AIS) is defined by New York State as additional instruction and/or student support services which supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum to assist students in meeting the New York State Learning Standards. Academic Intervention Services are intended to assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State Learning Standards in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and/or science – and, therefore, at risk of acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed designated performance levels on State assessments in these four areas. Academic Intervention Services are available to students with disabilities on the same basis as non-disabled students, provided that such services are consistent with the student’s individualized education program (IEP). Academic Intervention Services are available to English language learners (ELL).

Tri-Valley Central School District has the authority and responsibility to place students in appropriate academic programs during the regular school day. Services will be provided to students in English/language arts and mathematics in Grades K-12, science in Grades 4-12, and social studies in Grades 9-12.

The following outlines the District’s program. Each building will review individual student needs each year by disaggregating data from NY State and other assessment results. Data will be disseminated to teachers associated with individual students and grade level and content area teams as appropriate.

The AIS program in each building will incorporate:

  • Student performance information analyzed to determine instructional focus
  • All eligible students based are included based on State and District assessments
  • Staffing, instructional approaches, and scheduling options meet the range of intensity and services needed for student improvement
  • Ongoing oversight, monitoring and review by the Principals and Director of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Parent notification
  • Commencement of services no later than the beginning of the semester following the determination that a student needs such services.

NYS Guidance for AIS Eligibility

Students eligible for AIS, including those with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency, are:

  • those who scored below the designated performance levels on elementary, intermediate or commencement-level State assessments in English/language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science;
  •  those at risk of not meeting State standards as indicated through the district- adopted or district-approved procedure/assessments, including those K-2 students who lack reading readiness; and
  • LEP/ELL students who do not make adequate yearly progress on the NewYork State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) as stipulated in the CR Part 154

To determine the need for service, NYS recommends reviewing multiple sources of data. Other measures of assessment may include but are not limited to:

  1. Developmentally-appropriate measures such as:
    • Diagnostic assessments
    • Early reading assessments/literacy profiles
    • Assessment Portfolios
    • Performances/demonstrations
    • Assessments of content skills, concepts, and knowledge
  2. Review of:
    • classroom performance
    • report card grades
    • student records
  3. Recommendations from teachers, administrators, counselors, other school staff, and parents.

The AIS program may include academic remediation or intervention provided by a certified teacher, or support services including guidance, counseling, monitoring of attendance, study skill development, or health-related intervention.

The District criteria will always be used in cases when a student is absent for all or part of a State assessment, or when a student enters the district from out-of-state or another country.