2020-21 District Budget

Total 2020-21 District Budget: $34,870,077

The Tri-Valley Central School District budget for 2020-21 totals $34,870,077 and represents a 0 percent increase over the previous year’s budget.

The timeline for developing the budget amidst the turmoil of the COVID-19 health emergency made crafting a budget more challenging than ever. The “safe play” of not anticipating revenue increases was a major factor in maintaining expenditures for the 2020-21 school year.

Additionally, the permanent adoption of the NYS Property Tax Cap legislation, which eliminated rebates to taxpayers whose school district complied with their individual tax caps was taken into account as the district built this budget with a zero dollar increase in its tax levy.

Programming, staffing and addressing student needs was not diminished and in some areas were enhanced.

As the local, state, national and global world experience volatile and unfamiliar circumstances, this conservative fiscal approach – built collaboratively by the Board of Education, district administration and staff – best plans for the 2020-21 school year and beyond.

Program Component: $27,290,681

Includes all areas related to the instructional program, such as teacher salaries and benefits, student support services, BOCES instructional programs, and all transportation operating expenditures.

Administrative Component: $3,320,022

Includes all areas of the budget related to the administrative operations, including school and Central Administration expenses, Board of Education expenses, and all other administrative activities.

Capital Component: $4,259,374

Includes maintenance of facilities, salaries and benefits of the Buildings and Grounds staff, debt service, and any monies for future maintenance and improvements to the school buildings.

Expenditures and Revenues

Expenditures (Total: $34,870,077)

  • Salaries: $13,110,440
  • Equipment: $503,800
  • Other Expenses: $6,701,502
  • Supplies and Materials: $325,863
  • BOCES: $4,044,875
  • Employee Benefits: $8,929,047
  • Debt Services: $1,216,050
  • Interfund Transfers: $38,500

Revenues (Total: $34,870,077)

  • Miscellaneous Revenues: $2,039,211
  • State Aid: $11,676,045
  • Real Property Taxes: $21,154,821