Office of the Superintendent

Dear Tri-Valley Families,

It is an honor to continue to introduce myself to the Tri-Valley community and I say with confidence that this school year is off to a great start. Our faculty and staff have returned with a renewed sense of purpose and pride. Our schools are back to our pre-pandemic traditions without restrictions and are enjoying a return of events and activities such as Open Houses, Homecoming week, dances, and field trips to name a few. In my short time at Tri-Valley, I have begun to learn more about the amazing faculty and staff in our district that have persevered for the last few years and the care they have shown for our students and for each other. We have returned with a rekindled energy and commitment to doing what we do best, and that is helping our students have engaging, productive learning experiences. 

 As you know, safety and security remain at the forefront for our schools. We have partnered with our Sullivan County colleagues and are continuously reviewing and enhancing our safety protocols. We remain committed to creating an environment where every student feels welcomed and physically and emotionally safe. Our relationships with our Tri-Valley families are built on trust and a genuine well-being for everyone. As a community and a school district, we must continue to be vigilant. If you see something, say something.

I am looking forward to continuing the successful start we have had this year. Thank you for your partnership, your commitment to our school and to our children. Together, we will make the 2022-2023 school-year a year to celebrate!


Erin Long- Superintendent

Erin Long