Pupil Personnel Services

The Tri-Valley Central School District is responsible for providing special education services to all resident students who qualify for such supports. These services are coordinated by the district’s Pupil Personnel Services Department, which encompasses the district’s Committees on Special Education at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels.

The PPS office also oversees the district’s health, counseling and mental health services for all resident students.

Committee on Special Education

The Committee on Special Education (CSE) is sanctioned and regulated by New York State. It acts as a multi-disciplinary team to evaluate the academic, physical, social, and management needs of the referred child and determines if there is an educational disability. The CSE must then decide on an appropriate program or placement for the student and the need for related services (occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, counseling, etc.), if necessary.

If you suspect that your child may have a physical, cognitive or emotional disability, you have the right to refer your child to the Tri-Valley Committee on Special Education for an evaluation, and a determination as to whether your child is eligible to receive special education services and programs.

Preschool Children with Disabilities

The district’s Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) is responsible for ensuring that parents are aware of the opportunities available for evaluation of children 3-5 years old who are suspected of having a disability, and for services to preschool children with disabilities. The committee consists of representatives from preschool special education agencies, county administrators, parents and district staff. All recommendations for services are made to the Board of Education.

Procedural Safeguards

As a parent, you are a vital member of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). The CSE/CPSE is responsible for developing recommendations for special education programs and services for your child. You must be given opportunities to participate in the CSE/CPSE discussion and decision-making process about your child’s needs for special education. It is your legal rights under federal and State laws to be informed about and involved in the special education process and to make sure that your child receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

A procedural safeguards notice must be provided to you one time a year and:

  • Upon initial referral or your request for an evaluation of your child.
  • Whenever you request a copy.
  • Upon receipt of the first due process complaint in a school year requesting mediation or an impartial hearing.
  • The first time in a school year when the school district receives a copy of a State complaint that you submitted to the New York State Education Department.
  • When a decision is made to suspend or remove your child for discipline reasons that would result in a disciplinary change in placement.

Learn more about the New York State Department of Education’s Procedural Safeguards (translated procedural safeguards notices are also available by visiting this link).

Learn More

More information regarding your rights is set forth in the NYS Education Department’s Parent Guide to Special Education Services in New York State for Children.

To refer your child to the Committee on Special Education, or for more information about special education, please contact Danielle Cornish, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, at (845) 985-2296 ext. 5308.